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О. Г. Бондаренко

DOI: 10.32702/2307-2156-2019.5.21

УДК: 351.865:164-044.372

О. Г. Бондаренко



Удосконалення нормативно-правого регулювання є центральним елементом удосконалення державного управління будь-якою сферою суспільно-важливої діяльності, у тому числі державного управління спільними діями сил безпеки при реагуванні на кризові ситуації та їх логістичного забезпечення. У статті обґрунтовані напрямки удосконалення нормативно-правового регулювання державного управління спільними діями сил безпеки при реагуванні на кризові ситуації, яке полягає у полягає у прийнятті нових або внесенні змін до існуючих законів та підзаконних актів, які визначають державну політику у сфері національної і державної безпеки, визначають поняття «кризова ситуація», закріплюють статус ситуаційних центрів як органів державного управління спільними діям сил безпеки при реагуванні на кризові ситуації, регламентують державне управління спільними діями сил безпеки та їх логістичним забезпеченням при реагуванні на кризові ситуації, що загрожують державній безпеці.

Ключові слова: нормативно-правове регулювання; державне управління; кризові ситуації; державна безпека; сили безпеки; ситуаційні центри; логістичне забезпечення.


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O. G. Bondarenko



The problem statement. The present time in the world is characterized by the constant occurrence of crisis situations on the basis of globalization processes. Most of the crisis situations relating to individual states can develop from an intrastate crisis into an intergovernmental one. Ukraine is also involved in globalization processes, therefore, unfortunately, over the past five years, the trend towards an increase in crisis and emergency situations that threaten the state security of Ukraine has continued. This is primarily due to the operation of the joint forces to restore peace and security in the east of Ukraine. Along with this, the number of CESs in Ukraine throughout 2015-2017 showed disappointing dynamics. Criminal statistics for 2013-2018, which is formed by the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine, only confirms the threatening state of crisis situations.
In the event of crisis situations at the regional and national levels of peacetime, the state security forces are used to respond to them. To guide the response to such crisis situations, joint special state administration bodies (Situation Centers) are created, which, among others, must rely on the task of comprehensive provision (mainly logistical). Currently, each of the security forces has its own characteristics, as well as different abilities in organizing and managing various types of logistic support, which significantly reduces the timeliness of the tasks. Analysis of the experience of managing and organizing logistic support for security and defence sector formations in the area of operation of the combined forces (anti-terrorist operation) showed that the existing system proved to be ineffective because unbalanced and highly expendable control mechanisms are used, and the logistics support systems of virtually each of the security forces and defence forces, in turn, has a complex multi-level control system, an uneven and cumbersome infrastructure. Therefore, it is advisable to introduce a unified system of public administration of logistic support of the security forces’ joint actions in responding to crisis situations that threaten state security, which is impossible without improving the relevant regulatory framework.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate proposals for improving the regulatory framework of public administration of logistic support of the security forces’ joint actions in responding to crisis situations.
The presentation of the main material. Legal regulation is one of the constituent mechanisms of public administration. Improving the regulatory framework is a central element in improving public administration in any area of socially important activities, including public administration of security forces’ joint actions in responding to crisis situations and their logistic support.
In the first place, in the direction of improving the regulatory framework, it is advisable to legislatively consolidate and interpret the concept of “crisis situations that threaten state security”. Another problem of the regulatory support of public administration of security forces’ joint actions in response to crisis situations is the uncertainty of the status of the situation centres. We believe that situational centres should be special bodies of state control of security forces’ joint actions in responding to crisis situations that threaten state security.
We believe that in order to improve the legal regulation of public administration of security forces’ joint actions in responding to crisis situations that threaten state security, it is advisable to develop and adopt a number of laws and regulations. Firstly, by the relevant Decree of the President, assign the task to the Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, regional state authorities (regional state administrations), together with state authorities in the security and defence sector, to create a network of situational centres (the Main Situational Centre of Ukraine, departmental and regional situational centres) with the status of special state bodies intended for monitoring the situation, collecting, accumulating and processing information relating to national security and its components, and in the case of crisis situations - for management of security forces’ joint actions in peacetime to meet the objectives they defined by applicable law.
Secondly, in order to legally streamline public administration of security forces’ joint actions in responding to crisis situations, the Cabinet of Ministers should prepare and adopt the Regulation on the network of situational centres (Unified State System of Situational Centres). At the regional level, regional state administrations should develop a Regulation on regional situational centres that would take into account the particularities of the region and, at the same time, would not contradict the relevant decree of the Cabinet of Ministers.
Regarding the legal regulation of public administration of logistic support of security forces in response to crisis situations, a resolution should be developed and adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers on the procedure for logistical support for security forces’ joint actions in response to crisis situations of peacetime. In addition, it is advisable to regulate by law, for example, by amending the Law of Ukraine On the State Budget, the possibility of additional financing through the regional state administrations of the logistical needs of the security forces involved in responding to a particular crisis situation, for which provision is made for the creation of a reserve fund in the regional budgets financing the joint actions of the security forces in responding to crisis situations of regional level heed to. It is also advisable to make changes to a number of legal documents, which allow for free of charge, in the case of joint actions in responding to crisis situations, to provide logistical support for security forces and manoeuvre material and technical means.
At the departmental level, based on the fact that the response to the majority of crisis situations in peacetime, as a rule, units of the SSU and security forces are involved, which are subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (National Police, National Guard of Ukraine, State Emergency Service, State Border Service), It is advisable to develop and adopt a joint order of the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine on the organization of logistic support by security forces’ joint actions in responding to crisis situations.

Keywords: legal regulation; public administration; crisis situations; state security; security forces; situational centers; logistic support.


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№ 5 2019

Дата публікації: 2019-05-30

Кількість переглядів: 1596

Відомості про авторів

О. Г. Бондаренко

кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент,докторант Національної академії Національної гвардії України

O. G. Bondarenko

PhD, Associate Professor, Colonel, Doctoral Student,National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine



Як цитувати статтю

Бондаренко О. Г. Удосконалення нормативно-правового регулювання державного управління спільними діями сил безпеки та їх логістичним забезпеченням при реагуванні на кризові ситуації. Державне управління: удосконалення та розвиток. 2019. № 5. – URL: http://www.dy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=1430 (дата звернення: 08.10.2024). DOI: 10.32702/2307-2156-2019.5.21

Bondarenko, O. G. (2019), “Improving the regulatory framework of public administration of security forces’ joint actions and their logistics support in response to crisis situations”, Derzhavne upravlinnya: udoskonalennya ta rozvytok, [Online], vol. 5, available at: http://www.dy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=1430 (Accessed 08 Oct 2024). DOI: 10.32702/2307-2156-2019.5.21

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