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О. І. Шапоренко

DOI: 10.32702/2307-2156-2019.3.3

УДК: 351

О. І. Шапоренко



У статті визначена роль соціального партнерства у вирішенні соціально-трудових конфліктів. Визначено, що сфера громадської зацікавленості соціальним партнерством значно ширше, ніж власне соціально-трудові відносини. Аналіз досліджень показав, що проблема сучасних трудових конфліктів на більшості промислових підприємств полягає в тому, що потенційні противники чи партнери помиляються з приводу мотивації інших і не схильні будувати договірні відносини з союзниками про умови їх участі в конфлікті. Проведений аналіз показав, якщо на підприємстві існує сильна профспілка, то працівникам вдається відстояти свої права мирним шляхом. Доведено, щоб стратегічні цілі соціального партнерства перейшли з області благих побажань в життя, необхідно активізувати співпрацю між місцевими органами влади і профспілками (спільне навчання, консультації, аналіз трудових конфліктів з різним результатом).

Ключові слова: соціальне партнерство; соціально-трудові конфлікти; соціально-трудові відносини.


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O. I. Shaporenko



The role of social partnership in solving social and labor conflicts is defined in the article. The existing approaches to the study of social partnership are analyzed and the author's vision of this concept is proposed, namely, to consider social partnership as a set of social-labor and related political and economic relations that characterize the state of social, political and economic life of society, contribute to the establishment of social peace and harmony. It is stated that the state has the most important and decisive role in shaping the social partnership system and its main actors. In the system of social and labor relations, the state acts simultaneously in two roles: the state as a bearer of public authority and the state as a social partner. It is determined that the state, as the bearer of public power, has powers that are traditionally divided into three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The state adopts laws that should govern the subjects of social partnership, including legalizing their legal personality, procedures for their interaction. It is noted that dissatisfaction with the state of affairs at the enterprise, combined with disappointment in the possibilities of judicial protection and in the allies, leads to an increase in latent hostility and the potential of spontaneous protests, creates prerequisites for open conflicts in the form of rebellion. Lack of systematic, objective norms governing relations in production, the inability of institutions to monitor the implementation of those standards that exist, forcing all participants in industrial relations to exploit the norms of informal communication and thus make all hostages constantly roar, constantly swinging the degree of uncertainty in partners, paralyzing the possibility of implementing long-term projects. It is determined that at least five interested parties are involved in the current labor conflicts in Ukrainian enterprises directly or indirectly (through representatives): 1) the employer; 2) employees; 3) political parties or public organizations; 4) the state; 5) individual individuals. It should be borne in mind that representatives may also have their own interests, which only partially overlap with those of whom they currently support. It is noted that instrumental (or intermediate) goals may overlap at different stages of conflict across all participants in different combinations. The interests of employers and employees coincide in the period of claiming power, if the customer is the state or if it is necessary to seek to improve the conditions of production; both are interested (often, but not always) in maintaining the production potential of the enterprise. Analysis of studies has shown that the problem of modern labor conflicts in most industrial enterprises is that potential opponents or partners are mistaken about motivating others and are not inclined to build contractual relations with allies about the conditions of their participation in the conflict. Often, such mistakes are made by employees, but all parties to the conflict are hostages to the hidden motivation of partners. The more mistakes are made about the motivation of other participants, the more significant the loss is. It has been determined that the reasons for violations of the established procedure for resolving collective labor disputes - on the one hand, ignorance of the laws by the representative bodies of workers, weakness or absence of these representative bodies, on the other - the refusal of employers to engage in dialogue with employees in the inactivity of state bodies from work on the ground. The ineffectiveness of the strikes is explained by the fact that fewer people are ready to participate in the strikes, and more and more respondents say that the strikes give nothing to the workers. The importance of data on the number and dynamics of collective labor disputes, considered in labor arbitrations and courts, on their effectiveness, decisions made in favor of employees or employers, is noted. These data are extremely important for understanding labor conflicts in contemporary Ukraine. The analysis showed that if there is a strong trade union in the enterprise, then the employees manage to assert their rights peacefully. In order for the strategic goals of social partnership to move from the area of good wishes to life, it is necessary to intensify cooperation between local authorities and trade unions (joint training, consultations, analysis of labor conflicts with different results).

Keywords: social partnership; social-labor conflicts; social-labor relations.


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№ 3 2019

Дата публікації: 2019-03-28

Кількість переглядів: 1774

Відомості про авторів

О. І. Шапоренко

д. держ. упр., професор, професор кафедри управлінських технологій,Університет «КРОК», м. Київ, Україна

O. I. Shaporenko

Professor, Professor, Department of Management Technologies,KROK University, Kyiv, Ukraine



Як цитувати статтю

Шапоренко О. І. Соціальне партнерство у вирішенні соціально-трудових конфліктів. Державне управління: удосконалення та розвиток. 2019. № 3. – URL: http://www.dy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=1546 (дата звернення: 13.12.2024). DOI: 10.32702/2307-2156-2019.3.3

Shaporenko, O. I. (2019), “Social partnership in solving social-labor conflicts”, Derzhavne upravlinnya: udoskonalennya ta rozvytok, [Online], vol. 3, available at: http://www.dy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=1546 (Accessed 13 Dec 2024). DOI: 10.32702/2307-2156-2019.3.3

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