О. І. Шапоренко
DOI: 10.32702/2307-2156-2018.12.7
УДК: 351
О. І. Шапоренко
У статті викладено бачення ролі профспілок у регулюванні соціально-трудових відносин на підприємстві. Визначається та обґрунтовується необхідність їх діяльності. Проаналізовано визначення поняття «профспілки», та запропоновано авторське бачення цього поняття. Розглянуто форми і методи досягнення профспілками своїх цілей. Зазначено, що профспілки мають певний соціальний статус, який визнається суспільством і являє собою засіб, інструмент об’єднання працівників і координації їх діяльності для досягнення мети. Визначена соціальна роль профспілок. Проаналізовано науково-правові акти, які регулюють повноваження профспілок. Визначено, що вітчизняні профспілки поступово втратили право законодавчої ініціативи, чому сприяє призупинення виробничої діяльності, закриття підприємств і т. ін., але в більшості країн світу здійснювати більшу частину своїх функцій профспілкам дозволяє реалізація права на представлення інтересів працівників, ведення переговорів та укладання від їх імені договорів і угод. Практику правової підтримки профспілок пропонується оцінити як малорозвинену, а їх роль у сприянні судовими рішеннями, спрямованим на захист соціально-трудових прав працівників, в цілому дуже суперечлива. Зазначено що виявляючи свою суспільну активність, профспілки вже прямо і безпосередньо діють як асоціації громадянського суспільства, надаючи йому зі свого боку самоврядного імпульсу.
Ключові слова: профспілки; колективний договір; соціально-трудові відносини; громадське суспільство.
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O. I. Shaporenko
The article describes the role of trade unions in regulating social and labor relations in the enterprise. The necessity of their activity is defined and substantiated. The definition of the term "union" is analyzed, and the author's vision of the term is proposed, namely, the union is an independent non-profit organization representing the interests of employees, whose purpose is to improve the quality and standard of living of its members through unity regulation of STVs, solidarity, justice to fulfill the functions of representation in the market of their economic interests and social protection. Forms and methods of reaching unions of their goals are considered. It is stated that trade unions have a certain social status that is recognized by society and is a means, a tool for uniting workers and coordinating their activities to achieve the goal. The social role of trade unions is defined. In spite of changing conditions of functioning and transformation of the trade unions themselves, it is determined that the main purpose of functioning of trade unions has not changed and is to improve the quality and standard of living of the members of the organization, while protecting and representing rights and interests is only a way to achieve the above goal. It is substantiated that unions are interested in increasing the number of members and increasing the amount of membership fees. It is noted that the increase of trade union resources in any of these areas of activity is limited by the financial condition of the organization, the amount of funds allocated for its development. The list of scientific and legal acts regulating the powers of trade unions is analyzed. It has been determined that domestic trade unions have gradually lost the right of legislative initiative, suspension of production activities, closure of enterprises, etc. contracts and agreements. It is noted that unions have been preserved in traditional organizations and large enterprises. New and reorganized trade unions do not exist at all or are weakened. Total rejection of trade unions is typical for small and medium-sized businesses. Most executives show a condescending attitude, understanding of some usefulness and the need to work with them. The experience of involving employees in managing the organization through their participation in the charter capital of the organization not only did not live up to the expectations that he had hoped for, but also greatly discredited the idea. The practice of legal support for trade unions is proposed to be assessed as underdeveloped, and their role in facilitating court decisions aimed at protecting the social and labor rights of workers is generally very controversial. The most dramatic situation is the situation in which the employee sought help from his trade union, but the pro-government did not provide appropriate assistance. It is noted that in the vast majority of organizations of medium and small businesses, which show a high level of violation of labor legislation, collective agreements are not concluded at all. Trade unions and employers accuse public authorities of lacking the necessary legislative framework, effective mechanisms of legal regulation of liability for violations of labor laws, etc. It is proposed to combine all accusations against employers into two groups: counteraction to the conclusion of collective agreements (activities of trade unions as a whole) and non-fulfillment of the undertaken obligations. It is determined that the main reasons for this behavior of employers are the unwillingness to burden themselves with additional obligations and do not see the point in entering into collective agreements, consider them an empty formality and therefore an inappropriate waste of time and money. Workers are most often accused of being passive, lacking interest, opportunism. In addition, as noted above, informality is a specific feature of the flexibility of the Ukrainian labor market. The inclination of a considerable part of employees to build their relations with the employer not as systematic, contractual, but as personal also does not promote the development of contractual relations. However, on the whole, it is noted that today trade unions act as a multifunctional public organization that expresses civic interests, providing support to non-union members and other social categories of citizens. Thus, by manifesting their social activism, trade unions are already directly and directly acting as civil society associations, giving them self-governmental impetus.
Keywords: trade unions; collective agreement; social and labor relations; public society.
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№ 12 2018
Дата публікації: 2018-12-28
Кількість переглядів: 1440